One of the things the Clown teacher is looking for is to keep 'trainee idiots' in the Now.
Much of the clown teacher's side-coaching and heckling is done with the intention to interrupt the student who is intent on planning ahead and to call them back into the moment, into communion with the audience.
When the trainee clown is planning ahead they are unable to sense the audience or their fellow performer, or even their own inner intuition.
Much of Clown work is encouraging 'not doing' - and that is not to say that nothing ever happens! When the clown student stops thinking ahead of themselves, then they become open to the accident of the moment, to the inspiration of the moment, to the impulse of the moment, then magic will unfold.
I have often said that 'Timing is awareness'. One of my current clown students, when asked 'what is Timing?' said: 'It is an energetic connection to emotion'.
Someone recently sent me this short film about the Clown Reinhard Horskotte. In the film, 'He says: 'When you wait, something happens.'
The wonderful cabaret artist Paul Martin has been on a couple of my courses - one day he contacted me to say he had coined a clown mantra for himself: 'Accept everything. Expect nothing.' I love it. (By the way, anyone wanting to study cabaret or learn how to become an MC - I recommend Paul Martin highly.)
Wait. Be open. It will arrive.*
*A postscript (3 August 2020). Might we imagine that a proper immersion into Clown State opens the clown performer up to The Field of Possibility. Imagine that inspiration, that the imaginal is everywhere, hanging in the air, awaiting a place to visit. Imagine too, that this Field includes the audience (their eyes and ears, their 'laughing gear': their lungs and hearts) ... might the clown practitioner open to both creating and absorbing a shared field ... then the next impulse comes with and for the audience. If this is too much to believe, I moot that it is something worth imagining might be so. (The 4 minute mile was not imagined possible until someone ran it.)