I found it at my local library and was astonished not to have seen it before.
Apparently Chaplin let the film be buried, coming as it did in an extended period of disasters - bitter divorce, bereavement, calamitous weather and a fire which destroyed the big top in which the film is set. Oh, and near theft of all the circus wagons just before the final shot of the circus departing. The adversity just didn't stop.
And it made him want to forget - a short documentary film on the DVD said Chaplin failed to mention the film in his autobiography.
Those of us who make work will face adversity. Sometimes one can taunt oneself with comparisons to peers. But we never know what goes on for other artists. Even the greats can feel as if Life is working against them.
Persevere. Celebrate your creativity.
I just have to share a couple of things which I know I have read before, but was pleased to be reminded of.
Chaplin said that the theme of Life is conflict and pain. Agreed - see Dark Clown.
He also loved the way his chosen form of pantomime could take an audience from comedy to tragedy, from farce to pathos. Right there with you, Chas.
And now, for no good reason, let me close with a quote from Chaplin's film 'Limelight'.
Calvero: My home is the theatre.
Terry: I thought you hated the theatre.
Calvero: I also hate the sight of blood, but it's in my veins.
See 'The Circus' if you can.
And if you haven't heard this track by legendary Cabaret Singer Eartha Kitt...listen now.