Friends will be coming. Hopefully also some people that are not friends of course, as well.
I have a predilection for the raw and immediate, when I am writing. So I am planning to say things that I don't always say in conversation with people. And if I were to say them, they would be said with provisos, explanations, albeits and, well, equivocation.
But for theatre - you want strong statements. And flaws. And conflict. So these not-normally-said things are now in the thing that is known as The Script.
I was interested that the writer Karl Ove Knausgaard said ‘Writing is a way of getting rid of shame’. The piece must stand or fall on its own merits of course - but, in this respect a least, I'm in good company.
This phrase has been running round in my head so I 'youtubed' it: 'don't let me be misunderstood'.
Though I believe we always will be misunderstood, misinterpreted, etc. The verses in the song say good things about being human - but I am not sure I identify with the line 'I'm just a soul whose intentions are good'. I try to have good intentions but I see myself fall down on them everyday.
Hm, guess that's why the show is called Imperfection.
A number of years back when I was trying to claw back from creative death I did a POP (Process Oriented Psychology) workshop. You take feelings, turn them into images or movement then turn that into a landscape or a song and I got this. I didn't take it seriously / resisted it at the time...
But looking back - 'letting it all hang out' it is what has got me through a line of theatre productions, all prompted by stuffthatIdidnotknowwhattodowith.
from a section of the show called My Friend:
'and maybe I wouldn’t tell you how I thrill to the
transgression of honesty
because I wouldn’t have to say it
because you know that about me
and how
it takes off the pressure from the hiding
from the near hysteria that builds up the steam which
builds up
why is everybody else pretending that This Stuff doesn’t happen to them?'
So there we are. And here I go.